Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Below are prayer request that Bonnie sent. Thank you for your continued faithful prayers for her.

Charles & LouAnn

Prayer Requests:

1. My church is hosting a 5 day Citywide Gospel Crusade starting tonight which will go through Saturday. Please pray for the hearts of all who will attend, that the Lord would soften their hearts to be receptive to the gospel message. Pray also that the Lord would strengthen and give wisdom to all who are helping with the preparations as well as those who will be serving. I will be serving as one of the counselors, so once people come forward to respond to the gospel I will be one of those leading them to the Lord. I will also be involved in the follow up and discipleship of the new converts. Pray God’s grace and anointing to be upon us all.

2. Thank the Lord that I received my work permit!! It is for 2 more years!! Read my blog for the full amazing story J Pray the Lord will provide for the financial needs that I have for my return trip this coming November and that the Lord would provide new sponsors as I prepare to send out my new support letter.


a. Please be praying for this next school term. There will be a lot of new challenges that I will be facing. One being that we will be entering into the summer months shortly and the max temps can reach up to 125 degrees. I don’t foresee it getting that high but its common to be over 100 from what I am told and my class meets in the afternoon from 11-5 in a small room. We are packed in there like sardines in a sardine can. Pray my body adjusts to the temperatures and that none of us suffer from heat related health problems.

b. Being that I plan on coming back to the states the end of November, in time for Thanksgiving, my class will have to take exams 1 week early. These exams are a lot more difficult, as they will be covering material from all three terms. I will also have to prepare the lessons for next year’s term before I leave. (3 months worth of lesson plans and the charts covering that material)

c. Pray that my pupils will continue to do well and retain the information they will be learning. I will be getting a new pupil this term as well, pray that she will be able to keep up with the rest of the class and adjust to the new school and environment.

d. Pray that the extra lessons I will be doing 3-4x a week will go well and that this will be a fruitful time. I will be doing revisions in preparation for the final exams, reviewing work that they have had difficulty on and attempting to improve their reading skills.

e. Pray for overall health, strength and wisdom.

f. Pray that the mentoring I have been involved in will continue to be fruitful and that the Lord will give me wisdom for those I will be mentoring in the near future.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Here are some prayer request and updates from Bonnie.

1. Tomorrow Bonnie has parent/ teacher conferences for this term. Many of the parents do not speak English so she will have to have an interpreter. Please pray it goes well.

2. All her kids did well on their testing and did average and above average in their overall grade. “Praise God!” Amazing when many cannot read and many still have trouble speaking English.

3. Because it is the end of this term, Bonnie is having all the kids over to her place for above 3 hours on Friday. 27 kids that she is going to make a meal for. Sounds like a lot of fun!

4. Bonnie has been sick since Saturday with dust in her lungs from visiting a game park (an adventure that she wanted to take McKenzie on before she left). She has shortness of breath and it seems an infection may be setting in. Please pray that she recovers quickly.

5. Bonnie has not been getting a lot of sleep so she is exhausted. Her brain is burned out from all the preparations and testing the last two weeks. God’s word says that he gives his beloved sleep. Please pray that she will be able to sleep and her mind and body would be able to REST, and she would be refreshed.

6. McKenzie is leaving tomorrow morning to come back to the states. (I know that Bonnie will miss her!). Please pray for a safe trip home. I know her family and friends are anticipating her return!

7. Bonnie has a break starting Friday for 4 weeks. Please pray that she would be able to balance all her time well. She has three months worth of lesson plans to do plus charts for those chapters. Please pray that during her time off she would be able to get some much needed rest.

8. Pray that they will be able to move into the new school building soon.

9. Bonnie is still waiting to hear about her three year work visa. Please continue to pray.

10. Bonnie’s room mate (Swazie) will be coming to the states in November with Bonnie for her 5 week break. Swazie does not have family and Bonnie does not want to leave her there alone during the holidays. Bonnie says she is her family now. Please pray that Swazie will be able to get her visa for traveling.

On a lighter note, Bonnie said that her kids are learning how to write notes. They will come and ask how to spell out the words of the note which is so cute. Here is an example: Dear Ms. Sherer, You are my teacher and love you so so much. You love me so so much too. They will then take the note and put it in an envelope and then very carefully tuck inside the envelope a cookie, money, or a barrette that they have. Such a precious way of showing their love to Bonnie and McKenzie as well.

Here is a picture of McKenzie with some of the children. I hear that she is bringing home lots of pictures and videos for us to download. We are looking forward to sharing them with you all.

Thanks always for your support and prayers for Bonnie!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer


Saturday, July 2, 2011


Your prayers have been a powerful means of grace for Bonnie while she is in Zambia. Through sickness, disease, and challenges, God continues to use her and teach her more and more of his ways. He is faithful & good. McKenzie Harrod just arrived in Zambia for 1 month. What a joy and blessing she will be as she assist Bonnie at the school. Please continue to pray for both of them, that they would stay healthy and that they would be effective in serving together.

Charles & LouAnn

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Here is an update that I received from Bonnie. The prayer request are highlighted in bold print. We continue to thank God for all of you and your faithfulness in your support and prayers for Bonnie.

Malachi 3:16 – “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.

“God has designed His kingdom so that Christians with kindred spirits join together. It is exciting when you find another Christian who shares the same concerns and burdens that you do! Often, God will graciously bring another believer or believers alongside you who will undergird you in the work and concerns God has placed on your heart.
God releases a powerful dimension of His presence to His children when they unite in heart and mind regarding His kingdom. When two or three believers agree in prayer, God chooses to respond to their unity by making His powerful presence known in their midst. “

If we were to write a book of remembrance each of you would be in it as we recounted the goodness and faithfulness of our God to Bonnie and the many powerful ways he moved in her, and through her because of your prayers for her. Thank you so much!

Charles & LouAnn

Bonnie’s Update:

Well thankfully I am over my 2nd bout of Malaria. This last time was a lot worse than the 1st time. I missed a few days of work and had all the possible symptoms. Thank you everyone for your prayers!!

I returned yesterday from Lusaka, the capital city which is a 5 hr bus ride from where I stay. I was visiting some friends over the weekend and then spent all day Monday and Tuesday applying for a 2 year work permit. I hit some bumps along the way but God was faithful and I was able to finish processing everything. The biggest issue they had was that I do not have ANY "qualifications" to teach in the form of degrees or certificates. I was told at least 3 times that without those they would not even begin to process my application. I left Monday and just spent time praying and asking God to "move the heart of the king.” He encouraged my heart in reminding me that he has called me here and is in control. What’s "a piece of paper to him" :) I decided to print out the letters of recommendation I submitted when applying for the job initially. One of the letters was from the principal of the school I taught at last year. That ended up being the "piece of paper" the supervisor signed off on and accepted to cover the "qualification" documents I must have. God is good!! Be praying that all goes well, they will take the next 2 weeks to review, process and decide if they will give me the 2 year work permit. I am confident in my God, circumstances may change but we serve a faithful God who never changes...he is my firm foundation in whom I can put my full trust in.

Please also be praying as we come up on midterm testing. I will have to come up with questions for and hand write tests for all subjects. Then I will have to test each pupil one on one in each subject. Pray God will give me wisdom and strength as I prepare the exams and that the pupils will recall all they have been learning.

Care groups start this Sunday and there will be one meeting in my home. Pray for this to be a fruitful time and that God will knit us together quickly and that there will be much fruit and growth.

Oh and great news..I had my 1st HOT bath in my own flat this morning. I shifted to the 4th floor this past Thursday and the geyser works!! I just had to buy a copper pipe for the was missing and the plumber installed it this morning. :) I was more than happy :)

Thank you everyone for your continual support in so many ways!!!

We serve a great God!!!


Friday, May 20, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Romans 12:10-18
10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in praying for Bonnie. God hears and God answers your prayers on her behalf!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Prayer Update From Bonnie:

Continue to pray for Swazi, who is now my official house mate. I am very blessed to have her here! We started doing morning devotions together, please pray that these will be a fruitful times and that God will continue to meet us and speak to us during these times.
Please pray that I will be a wise steward of my time. There are so many different things that can “demand” my attention. I want to be led by the Spirit and spend my time in a way that glorifies God.
Please continue to pray for my pupils, that they would not only learn the lessons I teach but also come to know and love the Savior.
Please be praying for the times in which I am offering extra lessons. I am having 10-12 pupils stay after school for an hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for these extra lessons.
I am still waiting for the discipleship groups to be set up. Pray for God’s anointing to be upon each of the leaders of these groups and that there would be much fruit. I am thinking I will have 4-6 college age girls in my group.
We are also in the process of setting up caregroups. We will be assigned according to where we live. They are in the process of choosing the leaders and making sure they are properly trained. We should be starting meeting by the middle of next month. One of the caregroups will be meeting at my flat (aka apartment). Please be praying for this entire process.

I just want to thank each of you for your faithful prayers. The Lord is at work in the hearts of His people, both here in Zambia and where you are. He hears your prayers and He is answering them!

Bonnie in Zambia :)

(please check out Bonnie’s latest blog at

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dear Friends & Family,

Spontaneous Praise - (from my devotional)

Luke 1:46-47 - And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior"

Praise is the spontaneous response of a grateful child of God.

Mary was overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness to her.

Trying to stop the praise of a thankful heart would be like trying to arrest the flow of a mighty waterfall!

We should never have difficulty thinking of reasons why we should praise Him.

Take time to recount the blessings he has poured out upon you and your family.

I wanted to take the opportunity to magnify the Lord and rejoice in God my Savior for all that he has done “through prayer” in the life of Bonnie over the past 5 months in Africa (wow can you believe it has been 5 months!).

I thank my God that his hand of protection has continually been upon her!

I thank my God for providing for all of her needs, physically, emotional, spiritually, and financially.

I thank my God for providing for her a permanent place to live.

I thank my God for providing for her a roommate!!!! Isn’t God good!

I thank my God for giving her wisdom and discernment in dealing with different and sometimes difficult situations.

I thank my God for her pastor and his wife Wilbroad & Zicky. Bonnie has knitted with them and we have been encouraged and blessed with how they have walked her through many adjustments.

I thank my God for the church there in Ndola, Africa and how Bonnie has been able to “fit in”. I am thankful for how she has gotten involved in several different ministries, and how the Lord is using her in so many ways. I am thankful for the body of Christ that she has come to know and is serving her Lord along with them.

I thank my God for how Bonnie now has a “kindred spirit” with the teachers in the school that she works along side. I am thankful for the love that has grown in her heart for “her children” and the love that has grown in their hearts for her.

I thank my God for the many opportunities and people that he has brought across Bonnie’s path. I am thankful for the difficulties and trials that she had walked through in her own life. God has and continues to use Bonnie to minister and bless others in the same situations. It is so true that He redeems the times that the locusts have taken.

I thank my God for healing Bonnie of her many sicknesses. Food poisoning, the beginning stages of malaria, and pneumonia.

I thank my God that she has grown so much in her teaching abilities and her creativity in teaching; even those children who only have a limited understanding of the English language.

I thank my God for the way Bonnie, with His grace, has been able to adapt or adjust to the culture, the food, the transportation, and life in Africa.

I thank my God for bringing “friends” into her life in Africa. So true are the words of the song: “He is Lord of every nation, He is Lord of every tribe and race, and by his love we are joined together”.

I thank my God that even when Bonnie deals with homesickness, her heart and her love for the people of Zambia has grown much more!

I thank my God that she has grown closer to her Savior while in Africa.

I thank my God for the body of Christ who continue to support Bonnie financially as well as through prayer.

So come my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ and family, come and magnify the Lord with me and praise His holy name for all that He has done. What an awesome God that we serve!!!

LouAnn Sherer

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,
Below you will see an update from Bonnie. It is such a privilege and a blessing to have each of you in her life and to know that you are lifting her up in prayer to our Heavenly Father. Prayer is such a powerful tool that the Lord has given us and when we pray, God moves! We have seen his faithfulness over and over again. Thank you for your continued prayers and your continued support for Bonnie!

Charles & LouAnn

From Bonnie:

Well, I want to first thank everyone for their many continual prayers for me. As I am sure you all know, I have been pretty sick for a while…first with walking phenomena and then with malaria. I am happy to report that I am well again and back on malaria prevention medication. Also, no mumps so far. I was exposed to them on a few occasions, but am thankful to report I have not gotten them. I have off the next two weeks and am doing my best to relax and not fill up my days with too much. But, if you know me, you know I can’t just sit around doing nothing...ha.

School will be back in session on May 9th, but we will go in the week before to make our charts and finish up preparations. On the last day of school before break I had parent/teacher conferences and about 23 out of 30 came. It was a long day, but I enjoyed getting to meet the parents of my kids. Language was a barrier for most of them, but the other teachers took turns translating for me in between their sessions. Their gratitude for me teaching their kids moved me. Once term 2 starts, I will be tutoring them in groups of about 10 and they will stay for extra lessons 1-3 afternoons depending on their level of need. Please be praying this time will be effective and that the Lord will give me wisdom in how to best teach them and split them up.

I have a college age girl, Swazi, staying with me over the next two weeks. She normally stays at a college boarding house, but they do not allow them to stay there over break. We met through a mutual friend (one of the pastors' wives) and had an instant connection. Both her parents died when she was very young and she has no family to care for her. I am going to ask her if she would like to live with me instead of going back to the boarding house. Please be praying that God will provide the finances she needs to return to school this next term. The cost is about $1000 per term (each term is 3 months). Her father’s stepbrother paid for her 1st term and is now refusing to continue to pay. I was very inspired to hear that even though she was not able to attend classes this past term, she went to the college almost every day to study. She is a very motivated and dedicated young woman. I am confident that God will provide. If you feel led to help in any way, please email me. If you need more information, let me know.

The past week I have had a group of 5th and 6th grade girls “show” up at my door wanting to visit with me. It started as 2 and, well let’s just say, the number keeps growing! One day there were 5. The first day I put a movie in for them while I finished up some work. Then they asked if I was a teacher. After telling them I was, they asked if I had books. WOW!!! Kids who want to read instead of watch a movie?! That brought a smile to my face! Now they come and read and color almost every day. I also have a neighbor, a 16-year-old girl that I always see around. She has started visiting regularly, usually around mealtime. Her father passed 2 years ago and her mom is often gone in the evenings. After getting to know her a bit, she asked me to tutor her so that she could pass grade 12. My response was that I will try my best to help her, but I am only a grade 3 teacher. Last night at 10pm we started. First subject? ALGEBRA! Oh my goodness, the subject I hated and struggled with the most; I never liked the “higher maths.” God certainly has a sense of humor. He is just throwing me in the deep end again…ha. Today we will be doing grammar and more…GULP…algebra. Please pray I can remember or re-learn so that I can teach her well…ha.

I can see how God is clearly bringing these different people into my life, many of whom have difficult backgrounds full of suffering and sorrow. I am confident that God will use all I have walked through to minister to these people.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


Hello Family & Friends,

We just wanted to thank you all for praying for Bonnie concerning Malaria. I talked with her the other day and she said she feels “a million times better” since beginning the medication. I want to give you another opportunity to pray. Each day brings its own challenges and new things to pray for. I received a text from Bonnie very early in the morning (our time) saying there have been several cases of mumps going around. A lady whom she visits almost daily has the mumps. Also, she was in the elevator with two children the other day and found out that they have mumps.

Please pray for protection over Bonnie. I know she was vaccinated as a child for this, but she's never had mumps and I don’t know much about it. Please continue to pray for her health.

Charles & LouAnn


Dear Family & Friends,

As many of you know since Bonnie has been in Africa she has dealt with sickness from 4 bouts of food poisoning to walking pneumonia, to just being weak and not feeling well from time to time. This past week she started feeling bad again so a few days ago she went to a clinic to be tested for malaria. She had been experiencing bad headache, feeling weak, and a few other symptoms. The blood test for malaria came back negative, but the doctor felt that due to her symptoms she could possibly be in the early stages of malaria. If not he just wanted to make sure and take precautions.

One thing that we can be thankful for is that she went to the clinic and was tested, because even though she may possibly be in the early stages of malaria it is treatable and that is the best time to catch it. She is now on 5 types of medications for I believe 5 days to treat the symptoms as well as the parasite if that is what it is.

Please be praying for a full recovery, and God’s grace and mercy on her during this time. Pray that the medication completely kills off the parasite if that is what it is. Pray for the symptoms to go away especially the headaches, weakness, and dizziness. Please pray she would be encouraged through this time in her heart and spirit.

Again we are reminded afresh that we serve a Great and Mighty God who is always near, who hears our prayers, and is able to do far above what we can ask or imagine. As her parents we remind ourselves daily that Bonnie is in the hands and in the care of her loving Heavenly Father!

Thanks for praying with us!

Charles & LouAnn

Psalm 121: 1-2 I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 62:8 - Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Isaiah 40:28-31 - Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Luke 1:46-47 “My Soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”

This past weekend, Bonnie was able to attend a Teacher’s Conference in town. During the conference, the Lord encouraged Bonnie’s heart, envisioned her afresh for the work that she is about, and spoke words of encouragement to her through others who were at the conference. One of the men who shared is a teacher at a nearby college. On the first Monday of each month, he and his wife invite missionaries in the area to their home for a time of fellowship and encouragement. Bonnie was invited to come. This is another opportunity for the Lord to use others to encourage Bonnie and come along side of her in the work that she is doing. I am so thankful that the Lord continues to meet Bonnie’s needs in so many different ways.

1. Next week is the last week of school before the children get 1 month off for spring break. In this coming week, Bonnie will have to personally evaluate each student (30 of them) and have a parent/teacher conference with the parents. On top of that, she has to grade all of their paperwork. She asked that you please pray that God would help her to get all of this done.

2. During the month long break, Bonnie would like to tutor many of the students that need extra help, especially in Math (a weak area for her). Please pray that the parents of these children will agree and that it goes well. “When I am weak, He shows himself strong.”

3. Pray that God would give her more creative ways to teach what these kids need to learn, and that she would make the best use of her time to spend more time on lesson plans.

4. Bonnie was without water for over a week. Praise God it is back on for now. Even though Bonnie has water now (and she is truly thankful for that) please pray that the hot water would be able to be fixed. When you don’t have water you are thankful for hot or cold water, but hot is always nice. This is life in Africa!

5. Praise God Bonnie was able to obtain another 3-month work permit. You never know how that will go.

6. Please continue to pray for Bonnie’s physical health, that the Lord would strengthen her for the task she is about, and that He would keep her well.

7. We have been praying for a roommate for Bonnie. Since Bonnie gives so much of herself to others, please pray that the Lord would send someone that would be a source of encouragement to her.

8. Usually between 3 and 4 months is the time someone may begin to struggle with homesickness to some degree when they’re “far” away from home. Bonnie has experienced some of this. This is when being reminded of where the Lord has called you to and of what He called you to helps. When she looks into the faces of those precious children, her heart is again filled with love and joy for them. BUT, it is also during this time that receiving e-mails, letters, packages, etc. brings so much encouragement to her heart, knowing there are those back in the States praying for her and remembering her. If you get a chance, please drop Bonnie a note or a letter-- it would encourage her so much!

9. God is definitely knitting Bonnie’s heart to the children and their heart to hers. Bonnie had to let them know that because of the conference she had to go to this past weekend (which was Friday & Saturday) she would not be in school on Friday. Well they did not like that and threatened that if she was not going to be there then they would not come to school. Children have a funny way of expressing their hearts and love, but Bonnie was able to encourage them to come. It’s nice knowing that you will be missed!

10. Please pray for the Lord to continue to speak to her through His word, as well as through others. Pray that He would continue to lead her, guide her, and protect her.

We serve a big and mighty God!!!

As always, we are so grateful for the army ofprayer warriors that we have standing with Bonnie and praying for her while she serves in Africa.

Forever grateful!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Psalm 25:5 – Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my Savior, and my hope is in your all day long.

Psalm 33:20 – We wait in hope for the Lord, he is our help and our shield.

2 Corinthians 4:18 – So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Please be praying:

1. She will be having her spring break the beginning of April for a month. Please pray that after Spring break they will be able to move into their new school building that has been under construction.

2. During the spring break a girl attending the nearby college will be staying with Bonnie. She is an orphan, a Christian, and is facing many challenges and has nowhere to go during the break. Please be praying that Bonnie will be able to minister to her during this time together.

3. Bonnie has been sick for some time now and is on medication. She is feeling better but not back to normal still being very run down and exhausted. Please pray for complete healing and strength to continue the work she is called to there.

4. Because of being sick for so long she is behind in her school work. She has parent teacher conferences coming up and has to write an evaluation form for each of her 30 pupils in order to meet with each of the parents. She will also be tutoring students after school. This requires her to assess each student and determine his or her educational need. Please be praying for wisdom and grace in this process.

5. Continue to pray for discernment and wisdom in the many decisions she is required to make daily. Please continue to pray for her safety.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our daughter!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,

Just wanted to send out a quick request to ask you to please pray for Bonnie. I received a text from her today saying that she is sick again. Cough, fever, weak, and trouble breathing. Please pray for her. It is amazing how God moves through prayer. In her time of need she has an army of people to lift her up in prayer.

God Bless and thank you!

LouAnn Sherer

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dear Family & Friends

Here is the latest prayer update from Bonnie.


Goodness, I don’t even remember when I last gave you an update. Sorry, I have been crazy busy! Thank you everyone who sent goodies in the bin through Doug Hayes, what a blessing that has been!

Things are going really well and I am so excited to see all that God is doing here in Ndola. I had a sleep over with a few of the college girls from church, we had a lot of fun and needless to say we got little sleep, but that is kind of the point, right? Lol. Yesterday was National Woman’s Day here in Zambia, a national holiday. On Sunday we had a special service to honor the woman. (we had a lot of guests) All the woman dressed in traditional attire and we had special music, testimonies and readings. The woman did everything but the preaching. At the end of the service, Pastor Wilbroad shared the gospel and 7 people came forward. During the counseling session, I was speaking one on one with a college age girl who was rededicating her life to the Lord. She said she attended the college service and wanted to come forward at that time, but said it was like she was glued to her seat. Praise God that she was obedient this week to the prompting of the Spirit. I was amazed to see how she opened up so much with me and was able to encourage her in the Lord. She really just needs to have a mentor and be held accountable. I invited her over for dinner this week and plan on making that a regular habit. I am having a family over tonight, well minus the parents…The parents are pastors and are out of the country. They range in age from 8-27 I believe (there are 6 of them).

I also got a new pupil today, Emanuel, so that rounds the number off to 30. He is very quiet but I am confident with time he will warm up to me and the rest of the class. I made a point to remind the boys to include him in the games at recess, they needed a couple reminders.


1. Please continue to keep the college ministry in prayer, specifically that the Lord will continue to draw souls and that they will be open and vulnerable when we meet.

2. Please pray for the pupils that they will be able to grasp the concepts that are being taught and that the Lord would continue to give me creative ways to get the points across.

3. Pray for strength and patience. I need a lot of both, when I am tired my patience seems to be lacking. J

4. Pray that I do not grow weary in doing good and that God will be honored and glorified through my work.

5. Pray also that the children will come to know and love the Lord.

6. Please also keep Susan (the head teacher) in your prayers, she was getting a lot better and then this week took a sudden turn for the worst. Her kidneys and liver are operating at 50% and the medications are no longer working.

7. Oh yeah, water heater is still broken so still have ice cold showers. I am getting used to it, but hey Hot water would be nice :)

Thank you again for supporting me through your prayers as well as financially. I couldn’t do this without you!!

With all my love,


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Dear Friends & Family

Reaping always follows sowing be it sparingly or generously, which is between us and God as to how that works out in our lives. The important thing is the attitude with which we give; that is, not reluctantly or under compulsion but rather cheerfully giving.

LouAnn and I are being constantly amazed at the overwhelming, cheerful generosity of so many of you regarding your gifts to our daughter, Bonnie. We want to let you know that Bonnie, LouAnn and I, and others are being so blessed by you. We are so aware that Bonnie remains in your hearts and in your prayers. Even more so, we would like to remind you that God loves a cheerful giver. Amazing, not the amount, but the heart's posture in which we give matters most to God.
The overflow of your giving not only causes abounding grace that comes your way from sowing into the kingdom, it produces an abundance for your own need as well.
God is the source of the seed that we sow and the bread we eat. He increases our seed, He enriches us in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion.
This cheerful generosity results in thanksgiving to God from those receiving the temporal blessing from your giving. All they can do is thank God, the true source who is so worthy. Not only is there a supplying to the needs of the people of God, there is an overflowing in many expressions of thanksgiving to God. Men will praise God at the testimony of your obedience accompanying your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity toward them and others as well.
In their prayers for you (hear that) they'll be praying for you and their hearts will go out to you because they realize there is surpassing grace given you by God for this work of service.

There is simply no way for us to personally express our gratitude except to remind you that our God is aware of what you are doing to serve Bonnie as she serves there in Zambia. Please understand there will be eternal fruit in the lives of those children and in your own lives as well.
Simply put, nothing can be said by us that is adequate enough but thank you all so much!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 - Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,

Wow how different things are in Africa! Talked to Bonnie today briefly and over the weekend she had 3 women help her clean the place that she will be moving into on Tuesday. It took them “4” hours! She said it was a mess. She was telling me that in order to have electricity you have to pay for a pre paid card and slide it through a slot (sort of like an ATM). Once the card runs out you have no electricity. So you have to make sure your card is always full. She said while in the apartment the water stopped working 3 times. This will be a common thing for her. She hopefully can time her showers at just the right time.

Bonnie is supposed to move into the apartment on Tuesday of this week. She has a man coming tomorrow that she hired to install a security door once she gets the ok from the renter. A security door? Again not like we have. It will be a door with metal squares in it and a lock. The man installing it also made it.
(1) Please pray that she will be able to get permission to have it installed (it will make her feel safer).

As I mentioned once before in Africa when you move into an apartment you have to purchase your own stove, refrigerator, bed, couch, table etc. So tomorrow Zicky (the pastor’s wife) told Bonnie to take off and she would go with her to purchase these items. (2) Please pray that she will find good deals on everything that she needs, and someone that can transport the items to her apartment.

Once Bonnie moves in the apartment she will begin having single college age girls over. Wilbroad has asked her to be a part of discipling these girls. The past several weeks the church was involved in an outreach to the colleges in the area. They were going to the colleges passing out flyers as well as talking to the students inviting them to church. Yesterday (Sunday) they had a special Sunday service directed at this age group. Bonnie said there were about 34 college students that gave their hearts to the Lord. What a blessing but also these students will need to be taught and discipled. They will be assigned to different groups (like care groups) meeting in different places with leaders overseeing the group. Bonnie will be leading one of these groups. (3) Please be praying that as they begin to meet that they will see fruit from their labor. Please be praying the Lord would continue to give Bonnie wisdom as she reaches out to these young women.

(4) Continue to pray for Bonnie as she teaches the children in her class that she would continue to have wisdom, creativity, and continue to find ways to show them the love of God through her life.

(5) Please pray that the Lord would lead Bonnie in possibly finding a roommate. I think this would be helpful for her financially as well as building a closer relationships with someone.

I always want to end my e-mails with a thanks to all of you who are praying and supporting Bonnie is so many ways. Let me continue to say as well how much each of you play such an important part in what she is doing in Zambia. Thanks to all of you who helped with gathering and buying things on Bonnie’s list that Doug Hayes will be taking the beginning of March on his visit to Zambia. Charles and I are so blessed and grateful for each and everyone of you!

Thank You!!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Friday, February 18, 2011

Quick Prayer Update February 17, 2011

Dear Family & Friends,

Just wanted to send out a quick prayer update for Bonnie. For about a week Bonnie has been sick with flu like symptoms. She has been trying to fight it with antibiotics while continuing to teach. Several of the kids in her class had the same symptoms. Please be praying for Bonnie as well as the children that they would recover quickly from whatever this is.

Also Bonnie started yesterday doing some tutoring with some of the kids in her class after school. She asked that you would be praying that the tutoring would go well.

Thank you again for your prayers.

LouAnn Sherer


Dear Family & Friends,

I wanted to start this e-mail out with a somewhat funny story. Bonnie has decided to go on a high protein diet (just kidding). Something that I grew up on and introduced to my own children at a young age for breakfast was rice with sugar and hot milk on top. We absolutely loved it. Bonnie decided to try and make this simple dish for her students. Soooooooooooooo she went to the grocery story and trying to be frugal with her money she bought inexpensive rice rather than the more costly rice. Big mistake. She went home and proceeded to cook the rice as she was accustomed to in the U.S. Fill the pot with water, brought it to a boil, and then put the rice in to cook. As the rice cook stuff started coming to the surface of the water. Not knowing what it was she began skimming the residue off the top. The more she skimmed the more came up. After doing this process for about 20 minutes the rice was done. As she took a closer look, at first she thought maybe this was baby ants that got into the rice. BUT as she looked more closely no it was not baby ants, but baby roaches. She then looked at the bag and the directions were a little different. She was supposed to rise the rice several times first, cook it and then rise several times more. Now she knows why. The conclusion she came to: Don’t buy cheap rice anymore. The end result, the kids loved the rice sugar and milk. Oh the differences she is finding in Africa but praise God adjusting to. As she would say “It is what it is” and therefore you do as they do, make the best with what you have.

Prayer Request:

Bonnie wanted me to give you all the names of her students so that you could be praying for them specifically by name.
1. Mapalo
2. Ketty
3. Davis
4. Kenma
5. Julius
6. Fazila
7. Alice K.
8. Pamulou
9. Angela and Gloria (twins)
10. Blessing
11. Dalitso
12. Prisca
13. Loveness
14. Orlando
15. Alice C.
16. Moses
17. Theresa
18. Febby
19. Margaret
20. Kennedy
21. Lois
22. Given
23. Leya
24. Dumisile
25. Edina
26. Godfrey
27. Lucky
28. Albena

2. Please continue to pray for Bonnie’s health that the Lord would continue to protect her. She has had 3 bouts with food poisoning, and flu like symptoms recently. You know if you have ever taught young children that it is hard not to catch what they bring to school, but God is faithful!!!!

3. The head teacher in the school “Susan” has been out of school sick. They just found out that she has some kind of liver and or kidney condition. Please pray that the Lord would heal her completely, we know that he can if it is his will! This has been a wonderful opportunity for Bonnie to go over and minister and encourage her. Bonnie went over and went grocery shopping for her and cooked some meals for her and her family. It is amazing how the Lord brings opportunity like this across our path to draw and knit hearts together. Isn’t He a good God!

4. As far as we know they are now in the process of painting Bonnie’s apartment so hopefully it won’t be too much longer before she can move in. Please pray the Lord would continue to provide for Bonnie as she has to go and buy a stove, refrigerator, bed and the everyday items to need to set up house. As she said in her last blog “He’s always been faithful to me” and he continues to provide for “ALL” her needs.

5. Please continue to pray that she would be able to find an affordable car. Wilbroad the pastor is helping her look and the finances would be there. It is amazing how the Lord provides for her!

Psalm 92:12-14 – The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.

Isaiah 40:31 – Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Philippians 4:6 – Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be know to God.

Thank you Lord for the way you provide for Bonnie. Thank you for your faithfulness in her life and thank you that your mercies are new to her every morning. Each day could hold something very different for her, but you are with her! You are guiding her, protecting her, you are using her to touch lives for your glory. Thank you for the heart of love and compassion that you have given to her. Continue Lord to be her strength, her help, her guide, her protector. Continue to be he good Shepherd always watching over her. Thank you Lord for the work that you are about in Bonnie’s heart and life!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

These are the areas that Bonnie asked that you please be praying for her:

1. Pray that I emulate Mary at the feet of Jesus and not Martha. I am finding it is easy to busy myself with "things" that "need to be done" and I need to prioritize. Pray God will continue to give me wisdom in when and where to get involved. The needs are great but he does not call me to meet all the needs.

2. Pray he will give me the strength I need to do what he has called me to do and that I will rely on him for strength.

3. Pray for continued good health and sleep. I am finding this week to be somewhat restless in the evenings. I have been thinking of all that "needs to be done" or thinking about my pupils and different situations. I think that putting my focus back on the Lord and not on the circumstances is key.

4. Pray for safety at, and a smooth transition to my new temporary house I will be moving into either Sunday or Monday.

5. Pray God will continue to grant me patience with my pupils and that my teaching will be effective and that they will experience the love of Christ through me.

Thank you for your prayers and support of Bonnie!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Lamentations 3:21-24

21 Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:

22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Contact Bonnie @ or

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Here is the latest prayer update for Bonnie. As she said to me the other day that in Africa things move really slow.

The original place that Bonnie was supposed to get was on the 8th floor of this apartment building. It is still not ready. But “Praise God” that another apartment will be opening up soon on the 2nd floor. With the elevator broken most of the time this is a huge blessing! It needs a little work but Bonnie and others will be able to do that. (See below).

Prayer updates:

I have to be out of the place I am staying by Monday morning...they have given me 2 extensions already. Pray I find a place that is reasonably priced till my flat is ready. Pray that the flat is ready soon. We are negotiating a reduced price for the flat in exchange for doing the painting ourselves. Pastor has been really on top of things and being my 2nd dad over here in looking out for me.

Posted on Facebook about my day today...after a very rough and challenging day yesterday, specifically with the behavior of the kids I was thankful for a GREAT day today. My discipline was effective, the kids were participating in shocking proportions. :) And during Grammar class they actually were asking for MORE work!!! I was in awe and certainly thanked God!!!! :) Just keep praying for my school days, they are my biggest challenge. I love those kids but 26 of them crammed in a room is hard. I think they are finally realizing that I am not going to tolerate them "doing whatever they want in class" I have had to be more firm with them but they have responded amazingly to it. It’s like they were just waiting for me to change and not be so "soft" on them. There is a time and a place for both and I am learning to balance it all out. They respect me more now..that I can see. I still give them much love and affection but I am firm when it is needed.

Anyways love you and hope that makes sense.

Moving to a new house on Tuesday. I can stay there for a month. Pray my flat is ready by the end of Feb.

Some of my kids are sick and I think I am getting what they have. Respiratory infection or something. My nose is starting to drip and a cough is starting. Time will tell..I am going to take a nap now and the last of my Dayquil. Hopefully that along with a good dose of prayer will help. :)

Love you!!!

Again, we continue to thank God for you all, for your support and prayers for Bonnie. God moves through your prayers!!

God Bless you All!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer