Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Below are prayer request that Bonnie sent. Thank you for your continued faithful prayers for her.

Charles & LouAnn

Prayer Requests:

1. My church is hosting a 5 day Citywide Gospel Crusade starting tonight which will go through Saturday. Please pray for the hearts of all who will attend, that the Lord would soften their hearts to be receptive to the gospel message. Pray also that the Lord would strengthen and give wisdom to all who are helping with the preparations as well as those who will be serving. I will be serving as one of the counselors, so once people come forward to respond to the gospel I will be one of those leading them to the Lord. I will also be involved in the follow up and discipleship of the new converts. Pray God’s grace and anointing to be upon us all.

2. Thank the Lord that I received my work permit!! It is for 2 more years!! Read my blog for the full amazing story J Pray the Lord will provide for the financial needs that I have for my return trip this coming November and that the Lord would provide new sponsors as I prepare to send out my new support letter.


a. Please be praying for this next school term. There will be a lot of new challenges that I will be facing. One being that we will be entering into the summer months shortly and the max temps can reach up to 125 degrees. I don’t foresee it getting that high but its common to be over 100 from what I am told and my class meets in the afternoon from 11-5 in a small room. We are packed in there like sardines in a sardine can. Pray my body adjusts to the temperatures and that none of us suffer from heat related health problems.

b. Being that I plan on coming back to the states the end of November, in time for Thanksgiving, my class will have to take exams 1 week early. These exams are a lot more difficult, as they will be covering material from all three terms. I will also have to prepare the lessons for next year’s term before I leave. (3 months worth of lesson plans and the charts covering that material)

c. Pray that my pupils will continue to do well and retain the information they will be learning. I will be getting a new pupil this term as well, pray that she will be able to keep up with the rest of the class and adjust to the new school and environment.

d. Pray that the extra lessons I will be doing 3-4x a week will go well and that this will be a fruitful time. I will be doing revisions in preparation for the final exams, reviewing work that they have had difficulty on and attempting to improve their reading skills.

e. Pray for overall health, strength and wisdom.

f. Pray that the mentoring I have been involved in will continue to be fruitful and that the Lord will give me wisdom for those I will be mentoring in the near future.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Here are some prayer request and updates from Bonnie.

1. Tomorrow Bonnie has parent/ teacher conferences for this term. Many of the parents do not speak English so she will have to have an interpreter. Please pray it goes well.

2. All her kids did well on their testing and did average and above average in their overall grade. “Praise God!” Amazing when many cannot read and many still have trouble speaking English.

3. Because it is the end of this term, Bonnie is having all the kids over to her place for above 3 hours on Friday. 27 kids that she is going to make a meal for. Sounds like a lot of fun!

4. Bonnie has been sick since Saturday with dust in her lungs from visiting a game park (an adventure that she wanted to take McKenzie on before she left). She has shortness of breath and it seems an infection may be setting in. Please pray that she recovers quickly.

5. Bonnie has not been getting a lot of sleep so she is exhausted. Her brain is burned out from all the preparations and testing the last two weeks. God’s word says that he gives his beloved sleep. Please pray that she will be able to sleep and her mind and body would be able to REST, and she would be refreshed.

6. McKenzie is leaving tomorrow morning to come back to the states. (I know that Bonnie will miss her!). Please pray for a safe trip home. I know her family and friends are anticipating her return!

7. Bonnie has a break starting Friday for 4 weeks. Please pray that she would be able to balance all her time well. She has three months worth of lesson plans to do plus charts for those chapters. Please pray that during her time off she would be able to get some much needed rest.

8. Pray that they will be able to move into the new school building soon.

9. Bonnie is still waiting to hear about her three year work visa. Please continue to pray.

10. Bonnie’s room mate (Swazie) will be coming to the states in November with Bonnie for her 5 week break. Swazie does not have family and Bonnie does not want to leave her there alone during the holidays. Bonnie says she is her family now. Please pray that Swazie will be able to get her visa for traveling.

On a lighter note, Bonnie said that her kids are learning how to write notes. They will come and ask how to spell out the words of the note which is so cute. Here is an example: Dear Ms. Sherer, You are my teacher and love you so so much. You love me so so much too. They will then take the note and put it in an envelope and then very carefully tuck inside the envelope a cookie, money, or a barrette that they have. Such a precious way of showing their love to Bonnie and McKenzie as well.

Here is a picture of McKenzie with some of the children. I hear that she is bringing home lots of pictures and videos for us to download. We are looking forward to sharing them with you all.

Thanks always for your support and prayers for Bonnie!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer
