Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

Here is the latest prayer update for Bonnie. As she said to me the other day that in Africa things move really slow.

The original place that Bonnie was supposed to get was on the 8th floor of this apartment building. It is still not ready. But “Praise God” that another apartment will be opening up soon on the 2nd floor. With the elevator broken most of the time this is a huge blessing! It needs a little work but Bonnie and others will be able to do that. (See below).

Prayer updates:

I have to be out of the place I am staying by Monday morning...they have given me 2 extensions already. Pray I find a place that is reasonably priced till my flat is ready. Pray that the flat is ready soon. We are negotiating a reduced price for the flat in exchange for doing the painting ourselves. Pastor has been really on top of things and being my 2nd dad over here in looking out for me.

Posted on Facebook about my day today...after a very rough and challenging day yesterday, specifically with the behavior of the kids I was thankful for a GREAT day today. My discipline was effective, the kids were participating in shocking proportions. :) And during Grammar class they actually were asking for MORE work!!! I was in awe and certainly thanked God!!!! :) Just keep praying for my school days, they are my biggest challenge. I love those kids but 26 of them crammed in a room is hard. I think they are finally realizing that I am not going to tolerate them "doing whatever they want in class" I have had to be more firm with them but they have responded amazingly to it. It’s like they were just waiting for me to change and not be so "soft" on them. There is a time and a place for both and I am learning to balance it all out. They respect me more now..that I can see. I still give them much love and affection but I am firm when it is needed.

Anyways love you and hope that makes sense.

Moving to a new house on Tuesday. I can stay there for a month. Pray my flat is ready by the end of Feb.

Some of my kids are sick and I think I am getting what they have. Respiratory infection or something. My nose is starting to drip and a cough is starting. Time will tell..I am going to take a nap now and the last of my Dayquil. Hopefully that along with a good dose of prayer will help. :)

Love you!!!

Again, we continue to thank God for you all, for your support and prayers for Bonnie. God moves through your prayers!!

God Bless you All!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dear Family & Friends,

A Snapshot in one of Bonnie's days that she shared with me. Please be praying that the Lord who gave this heart of compassion to Bonnie would also give her wisdom and guide her every day, at every moment.

Thank you so much for your prayers. I am feeling much better, though my heart is troubled. We feed the kids 3x a week at school and the other 2 days they are supposed to bring their own food. I have noticed that there are 4-5 in my class that don't come with food. They beg from the other kids...I can’t sit back and ignore this, I was awake all night thinking about it. I have a boy that just started coming to my class on Thursday, he had been living on the streets with his younger brother. They didn't have any shoes and their clothes were filthy. Pastor got them clothes and took them to stay with him until they found relatives..I gave him money to buy them shoes. Then today in town I had some errands to run and I saw so many street kids begging for food and money and of course since |I am white they gravitate towards me. 2 girls and a boy were using broken glass as small bowl like cups to drink from. They were barefoot and filthy. I took them into a small bakery and let them choose what food they wanted and got them a juice as well. Walking I saw a blind grandmother with 2 young boys who were obviously malnourished.. I crossed the road to a grocery store and bought a bag of rolls, pack of Bologna, 4 bags of chips, and 3 candy bars then crossed the road and placed the food at the grandmothers feet and walked away. The older brother who was about 8 chased after me grabbing my hand and thanking me. My nights are sleepless over these things. I need the wisdom of the Lord. Anyway, be you!

As I read this e-mail from Bonnie I was so quickly reminded of this verse in Matthew 25:35-40 - For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

God is Faithful and full of compassion and mercy. He knows our needs whether physical or spiritual. He is a God that is able to provide far above what we can ask or imagine. He is Faithful, He is a Great and Mighty God.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support of Bonnie! We appreciate you all so much!

LouAnn & Charles Sherer

Thursday, January 20, 2011



Prayer request: I am supposed to move out of this place on TUESDAY!!!! AHHH!!!! The apartment is still not ready and not sure it will be by then. I texted pastor yesterday about it to see if he had an update. He said he is pushing them and hopefully push does not come to shove.

I am feeling better, thanks for all the prayers. I got an email from Kathleen Zylka and Enza saying they prayed for me. Zylka's care group prayed. I feel better now but evening will give me a better idea if it has passed.


Here is a prayer up-date for Bonnie. I wanted to include a few sentences that were written in an e-mail that she sent to me.

“I really felt the prayers today and had much more joy in the midst of my "trials" in teaching the kids. I equate that to my prayer army and the grace of God giving me the right perspective. I LOVE my kiddies!! I think I will have a few more this week so it is looking like my final number will be around 35. Some of the grade 4's need to come back to grade 3 because they were only in school for 1 or 2 terms and are not at a grade 4 level. Some of mine should be in grade 1 or 2 but due to their age I am just going to have to deal with the challenges. We will be starting tutoring soon for some of the students that are significantly behind. It will probably be on Saturday. “

Just want you to know that your prayers DO make a difference!!! Bonnie is facing a lot of different challenges, but the Lord is giving her grace, wisdom, and strength because of the part you all are playing in her being there, PRAYING! God does call some to go, but he also calls some to stay to undergird those who go in prayer. I cannot express it any better than to say again, your prayers and support are so important and we thank you and Bonnie thanks you! Thank you Lord for the Body of Christ!

Charles & LouAnn Sherer

Prayer requests:

1) Continued good health, I have been blessed with good health so far which is fairly "uncommon" from what I hear. I have talked to a number of missionaries and they all have had significant illness, multiple times.

2) Pray for strength and patience in teaching. It is a HUGE challenge in every moment it seems but it is also the most rewarding thing. The Lord has been good to me this week and I know that his strength and faithfulness will continue.

3) Pray that I am able to move into my flat in the next 2 weeks.

4) Pray for me as I start helping in the college age ministries. There are a lot of challenges these girls face and pray that God gives me wisdom in discipling them and that he will use me to encourage them in their walk with the Lord.